J's Meats & More
Pork Andoulli Sausage Links
Pork Andoulli Sausage Links
Available for purchase in store only.
In store or local pick up only. Unfortunately this item is not available to ship.
J's Meats and More is a small local farm selling affordable all natural meats and eggs that they raise 100% themselves.
"At J's Meats and More we raise our animals in a non confinement environment, where excessive health treatments are not necessary. Our mission is to produce and sell affordable meat products for everyone to enjoy, and feel confident in purchasing."
In addition to selling our meat, we have taken up competing in BBQ contest, cook for weddings, holidays and other social gatherings.
We have won the Grill Master Challenge that was hosted by MB Roland Distillery in August of 2014. Then in September at the Balloons Toons and BBQ in Bowling Green, Ky we won the ribs division.
Not long after we switched the hens over to the NON GMO feed we were able to get some NON GMO seed corn. We planted this as an extension of our home garden. Once the corn was up we turned the chickens in with it and allowed them to keep weeds down and eat all the bugs they could catch. Then when the corn was ready to be harvested we picked and shelled it by hand and ground it to make NON GMO corn meal.