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Histaminum Hydrochloricum

Histaminum Hydrochloricum

Regular price $8.19 USD
Regular price $8.49 USD Sale price $8.19 USD
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Congestion, itchiness and sneezing are no match for Histaminum Hydrochloricum traditionally used in homeopathic medicine to remedy mild allergic reactions (coughing, sneezing, watery eyes).*

Congestion, itchiness and sneezing are no match for Histaminum Hydrochloricum traditionally used for mild allergic reactions (coughing, sneezing, watery eyes).*

Allergies are no fun. Even on beautiful days, the runny noses and the grogginess can easily discourage you from enjoying your activities outdoors. That’s why we have created this powerful homeopathic antihistamine medicine that allows you to get the relief you’ve been waiting for.

A simple and natural alternative, highly diluted Histaminum Hydrochloricum can alleviate your symptoms and give you peace of mind.*

Histaminum Hydrochloricum in homeopathic medicine can provide relief from mild allergic reactions that result from hay fever, mold, pet dander, dust, and other allergens.*

Approx. 80 pellets

Organic verified by Alpes Contrôle 2021/A03M216K/1
Made in France

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