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Arsenicum Album

Arsenicum Album

Regular price $8.19 USD
Regular price $8.49 USD Sale price $8.19 USD
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Traditionally used for digestive disturbances*, anxiety*, and even cold symptoms*.

When digestive issues or general malaise strike, finding a reliable remedy can easily be your top priority. That's where Arsenicum Album comes into play. Traditionally used to address a variety of symptoms, including digestive disturbances*, anxiety*, and even cold symptoms*, Ollois’ homeopathic remedy might be just what you need to tackle your digestive discomfort head on.

Arsenicum Album in its homeopathic form offers a targeted yet gentle approach to well-being, crafted through traditional homeopathic methods. Our pharmaceutical-grade Arsenicum Album is designed to be versatile and is known to be side effect-free, making it a dependable choice for your health needs.

Approx. 80 pellets 

Organic verified by Alpes Contrôle 2021/A03M216K/1
Made in France

Natural, organic, pharmaceutical grade, side-effect free homeopathic medicine for all lifestyles and dietary needs.

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